Swedish Groups
Swedish Folk Dance Club of Denver
The Swedish Folk Dance Club of Colorado is an organization dedicated to preserving the historical, traditional folk dances of Sweden. Practice times may vary, but usually take place once a week at a Highlands Ranch (Littleton) recreation center from September through May. The group’s repertoire includes a variety of dances using from 3 to 6 couples, as well as ring dances performed individually, in a large circle.
Annual performances include:
Easter Påskbord (Easter smorgåsbord) and Julbord (Christmas smorgåsbord) at the Centennial IKEA. The group is also featured at the Scandinavian Midsommar Festival in late June at Estes Park, Colorado.
Other performances throughout the year are by invitation to various scandinavian events and group meetings. Couples and singles are welcome. Contact: Maryann or Brian Soderberg (cell 949-282-9950).
Swedish Club of Denver
Välkommen!! Over 60 years ago the Swedish Club of Denver was formed to celebrate the traditional annual holidays of the Swedish Culture. The Club has approximately 200 members from newborns to 90+ year olds. We have some first-generation immigrants but Swedish heritage and the ability to speak Swedish are not requirements for membership. In fact anyone wishing to explore Swedish customs and culture is welcome. This is a club that welcomes non-members to its seasonal events. Each of our annual events includes a short program featuring Swedish customs or culture. Children are welcomed to every celebration and are invited to participate in special age-appropriate activities. Pre-registration is required for participation and early registration is encouraged as many events sell out several weeks in advance.
- The September smorgåsbord kicks off the season and features a traditional three course smorgåsbord, with food prepared according to traditional Swedish recipes, and cooked by members of the Club.
- Thanksgiving is celebrated next, as most members are Swedish-American.
- The St Lucia Festival in mid-December is one of the Club’s highlight events. A traditional Lucia Festival, in which a Lucia Queen is selected and participation by as many as 50 children follows a traditional Swedish dinner.
- January brings the celebration of the end of the Swedish Christmas season with “Julgransplundering”, which means “dancing the Christmas tree out the door”. This event features a dinner of Swedish Meatballs and Lutefisk!
- Easter is the next holiday and is celebrated with a potluck dinner. This event may be combined with a short, annual business meeting, during which time an Easter Egg hunt is provided for the children.
- The Club often has a booth at the annual Scandinavian Festival in Estes Park. More information can be found on the website – www.swedishclubofdenver.org.
Annual dues begin at about $30 for an individual and for families residing at the same address. Family memberships are encouraged.
Vi ses på klubben’s nästa festival!
Swedish Genealogical Society of Colorado
Between 1875 and 1920 (approximately), 1.5 million Swedes emigrated to the United States of America. Though some returned to Sweden, many remained and became American citizens.
The Swedish Genealogical Society of Colorado exists to inform and provide its members with “hands-on” training and help in locating Swedish ancestral records. It also helps it’s members locate and connect with relatives in Sweden.
The Club has approximately 125 member-units from all parts of Colorado. Some members are well-seasoned genealogical “explorers” and others are “newbies” just beginning to explore their Swedish heritage and ancestry. Membership allows access to the Club’s “mentoring” individuals which are people willing to help teach others to obtain helpful information using various genealogical tools. Arkivdigital is the primary genealogical software program used during meetings, though various other software applications/programs may be included in discussions.
The Club holds interesting and informative monthly meetings from September through May, usually on the first Saturday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to Noon, at the Denver Public Library at Broadway and 14th Street in downtown Denver. We frequently showcase special guest speakers from other national genealogical associations. Sometimes our own members share their personal “genealogical journies” and/or special lessons and tips they’ve mastered.
Meetings are open to non-members, though membership is strongly encouraged. Membership allows access to significant additional information on the Society’s website, as well as access to our “mentoring” individuals. Dues are minimal at approximately $25/year. Selected special events may include additional registration fees.
The Society’s website is www.swedgensoc.org.
More information on membership and events can be found on the website.